Brick: ”It’s time for the 106th rebusrally at Wermlands nation. If you’re just tuning in to our broadcast we can announce that the rebusrally is set for the 14th of October.”
Ron: ”Have you never heard of a rebusrally? Let me tell you, you do NOT want to miss this event. Do you love solving riddles while driving a van through the fields of Upland?”
Brick: ”Well Ron, I sure do! So if I gather a few of my mates and rent a van, I will spend a day solving riddles and making new friends?”
Ron: ”That’s about right Brick! Don’t forget that it all ends with a big Gala at Wermlands nation, very classy.”
Brick: ”Wow, this sounds amazing! Can I join even if I’m new?”
Ron: ”You sure can! And if you’re crew is made up of at least 50% Wermlaenningar than you can apply before the rest.”
Brick: ”I’ll see you there!”
Medlemmar på Värmlands nation samt tidigare läggarlag har förtur till anmälan. Detta innebär att anmälan släpps,
FREDAGEN DEN 8/9 kl12:00 till dessa lag.
För övriga lag släpps anmälan MÅNDAGEN DEN 11/9 kl12:00.
Medlemmar på Värmlands nation*: Rally 130:- / Sittning 170:- / Allt 300:-
Student (dvs heltidsstudier): Rally 150:- / Sittning 170:- / Allt 320:-
Alumn (dvs arbetare): Rally 200:- / Sittning 170:- / Allt 370:-
*Gäller enbart heltidsstuderande
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